Whistle Blower Policy

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  • Whistle Blower Policy
SCL is committed to protect the identity of a whistle blower who can choose to make a protected disclosure in instances where any clause of the code of conduct has been violated or the spirit of the clause has been compromised.
SCL shall ensure protection to the whistle-blower and any attempts to intimidate him / her would be treated as a violation of the Code.
The policy provides employees the right to be heard and the right to privacy in matters which necessitate the same in a professional scenario.
All employees of SCL are committed to adhere to and protect the code of conduct by promptly reporting to the management or designated counsellors of any actual, possible or attempted violation of the code and the management commits to respond to the same.
Employees are specifically advised to note and forward any instances of conflict of interest where any other employee is not protecting the interests of SCL during undertaking an activity at a personal level or during a routine transaction in the work area.
In case the employee observes any misuse of company assets, it is his/her responsibility to report the same to the relevant authority without delay.
The Code of Conduct does not provide a full, comprehensive and complete explanation of all the rules that employees are bound to follow. Employees have a continuing obligation to also adhere to the applicable company policies, procedures and work rules and any violations need to be reported immediately.
A whistle-blower box is placed at the security gate of both our manufacturing units and employees can drop a confidential message in the same which will go directly to the CMD. Alternately, employees can also convey their message to the Location HR Head of their respective location who is also duty bound to convey the message to the management and protect the identity of the whistle -blower.
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