Seperation Policy

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  • Seperation Policy
An employee can tender his resignation from the services of the company after giving the required notice period as specified at serial no. c.
Confirmed Employees (all grades JL2 & above) - 1 Month
Non-confirmed employees/employees in probation - 7 days
The employee is required to submit his/her resignation to his/her reporting manager, who will forward the same to the relevant functional head.
In case the resignation is accepted, the functional head should indicate the date of relieving on the resignation letter.
Once the resignation is accepted and sent to HR, the salary for that month for the employee is placed on hold. This means it will be processed along with the full and final dues.
HR DOES NOT issue a resignation acceptance confirmation letter, but a relieving letter is issued on the last working day provided all separation formalities have been complied with by the employee.
On the employee’s last working day, he/she is required to collect a NO DUES FORM from HR and the same should be submitted to HR on the same day.
HR will take an exit interview of the employee and all employees are requested to share their frank and honest feedback with HR. The contents of the exit interview are confidential in the sense that the feedback will be shared with the functional head but not the name of the person giving the feedback.
The form is retained in the employee personnel file.
Upon completion of the exit interview and the NO DUES FORM, HR will prepare the full and final settlement account and submit to Finance for release of payment. It is the responsibility of the employee to complete his/her NO DUES FORM. The departments who have to certify the NO DUES are mentioned on the form.
Please note that employee is required to submit any tax saving documents held by him/her to HR after they submit their resignation, otherwise TDS will be deducted at the full rate on the full and final settlement amount.
In case of recovery payable by the employee, a separate letter will be sent to the employee giving details of the recovery.
An employee serving notice period cannot take leave without prior approval otherwise it will be treated as absenteeism.
Any decision regarding short serving of notice period will be taken by the functional head and informed to HR in writing otherwise employee has to serve the full notice period. However, in such cases the equivalent salary for number of days short served by the employee will be deducted from his full and final settlement. The deduction calculation will be based on his/her monthly basic divided by 30 and multiplied by the number of days short served.
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