
Leave Policy

SCL has a policy of providing paid leave to employees for them to meet their personal, family and work commitments while performing their duties. The following types of leave are provided for : –  

Casual Leave – It is for attending to any personal matters requiring absence from work.
Medical Leave–These Leaves are granted for an absence from work because of illness.
Earned Leave - These are the leaves which are earned in the previous year and enjoyed in the preceding years. These are also known as privilege leave or leave with wages.
Compensatory-Off–This leave is granted if the employee is asked to come to work on a weekly- off or a National or Festival holiday.
Maternity Leave - A period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child.
Short Leave (Relaxation for Two hours) - These Leaves are granted to meet emergent personal exigencies.
Extra-Ordinary Leave – This is upon the discretion of the management and is given in extra- ordinary circumstances like a civil disturbance or a natural calamity, election etc.

Rules and Guidelines regarding casual and sick leaves

All employees are entitled to 7 days Casual Leave and 7 days sick leave in a year.
Both leaves are credited to the employee account on January 1 st of every year.
For new joinees, casual leave and sick leave is credited on a pro-rata basis calculated based on 1 day for every 52 calendar days of employment. So, new joinee will not be eligible for any paid leave prior to completion of 52 calendar days.
Minimum casual leave which can be applied for is half day and maximum is three days. Casual leave can be clubbed with Medical Leave only in unforeseen circumstances/exigencies.
National and Festival Holidays intervening the Casual Leave Period shall be treated as Holidays. However, weekly off intervening the Casual Leave period shall be treated as leave.
Un-availed Casual Leave will not be carried forward and will automatically lapse at the end of the year. It cannot be encashed on any circumstances.
Medical Leave up to two days can be availed without Medical Certificate but for availing more than 2 days at a stretch, Medical Certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner must be produced. Similarly, the minimum Medical Leave one can avail is half day.
Un-availed Medical Leave will be carried forward at the end of the year and can be accumulated up to 21 days. Medical Leave accumulated beyond 21 days will be lapsed automatically. It cannot be encashed on any circumstances.
National and Festival Holidays intervening the Medical Leave Period shall be treated as Holidays. However, weekly off intervening the Medical Leave period shall be treated as leave.

Earned Leave

All the permanent employees are entitled to Earned Leave provided they have worked for a period of 240 days in the preceding year. For every twenty working days, one earned leave will be accrued not more than 15 days per year and will be credited to the employees account only in the consecutive year i.e. 1st of January every year.
A New Joinee will get the Earned Leave on pro-rata basis from the date of joining.
Earned Leave cannot be availed more than 3 time in a year.
Earned Leave under any circumstances shall be approved in advance from the Reporting Manager.
Un-availed Earned Leave will be carried forward and can be accumulated up to 30 days. Accumulated beyond 30 days as on 1st January of any year, will be automatically encashed on or before 31st March of the same year.
National and Festival Holidays and Weekly off’s intervening the Earned Leave Period shall be treated as Holidays/Weekly-offs and no leave will be debited for such days.

Maternity Leave

All the on-roll female employees, who are not covered under ESIC are entitled to Maternity Leave benefits.
The Maximum period for which a female employee shall be entitled to Maternity Leave shall be 26 weeks or 180 days. Out of these 26 weeks, eight weeks leave is post-natal leave.
Any Female employee working in the organization and entitled for Maternity Leave, shall give application stating her maternity along with the Medical Certificated prescribed from a MBBS Doctor.
Maternity Leave for a period not exceeding 6 weeks shall be granted in case of a miscarriage or Medical termination in pregnancy, if duly supported by Medical Certificate.
National and Festival Holidays and weekly offs intervening the Maternity Leave period shall be treated as Leave.

Short Leave

All the employees be it permanent or casual are entitled for a short leave.
Employees can avail short leave for a maximum of twice in a month with prior approval from their Reporting Manager.
Short Leave allows an employee to come to office two hours late or leave two hours early or can take two hours break in between and will not be adjusted against any leave balance of the employee.
Short leaves are credited to the employee account every month and if not availed off will automatically lapse.

General Rules

For the purpose of calculating leave, “year” shall mean the calendar year commencing on the first day of January and ending on the last day of December of the next year.
Leave, other than maternity leave, cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Discretion is reserved with the authority empowered to sanction leave, to refuse or revoke leave at any time, depending on exigencies of the company’s work.
All leave must be applied in ERP for at least 2 days prior for approval to immediate manager, with the exception of sick leave, which may be intimated verbally, and post facto approval sought upon resumption of work.
Process for Leave Application and Approval
In SCL, Leave Application and approval is controlled through ERP system. All the on-roll employees will follow the following procedure for Leave:
Any Leave Except for Medical shall be applied in advance through the ERP system. Manual leave application will not be accepted. Concerned HR representative shall apply leave for those employees, who do not have direct access to the system.
In case of Medical Leave, it has to be applied within 2 days from the date leave taken.
Once the leave is applied through ERP system, it is deemed to be approved unless the Reporting Manager cancels it. The Reporting Manager has all the authority to postpone or cancel the leave within 2 days of the application.
Any leave application shall be applied in the ERP system before or within 2 days from the date of leave taken, otherwise the system will not accept the leave from the employee’s system.
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